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anyone ever have fusion of big toe (MTP) joint?
Posted by Carolyn1016
3/21/2013  5:56:00 AM
I just started ballroom dancing a couple of months ago and absolutely love it. However, I have severe arthritis and a lot of pain at the base of my big toe, and will have a fusion of the joint next month. Has anyone had this surgery? How has it affected your dancing, height of heel you can wear, how does it feel after it has healed, etc.?
Re: anyone ever have fusion of big toe (MTP) joint
Posted by novemberecho
3/21/2013  6:35:00 AM
I've been postponing cheilectomy surgery on both feet (for bone spurs in MTP joint as result of osteoarthritis) for some time because I'm afraid of how it will impact my dancing. My understanding of fusion in the MTP joint is that it removes all flexibility in the big toe joint, meaning your foot will pretty much have to stay flat, wearing heels is not an option, and you can no longer 'rise' onto the ball of your foot. I'm no doc; just read a lot (and take everything with a grain of salt). Have you asked your doc? If it's that important to you, I'd look for a doc who specializes in sports medicine, or even better, treating dancers. And get a second opinion. Try alternative treatments if you can (physical therapy can work miracles).
Wish you the best & hope you'll keep us posted on the outcome!
Re: anyone ever have fusion of big toe (MTP) joint
Posted by Carolyn1016
5/13/2013  1:28:00 PM
Hi! Your comment motivated me to get a second opinion. I found a doctor who is a gymnast himself and understood my goals. I had a hemi-implant done on May 2 and just had my cast removed today. My work is cut out for me now with exercising the joint. Pain is minimal right now, but the rest of my body is sore from crutching around for 11 days! I will get back to you with an update soon! Thanks for your thoughts!

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